I help leaders uncover and unleash a level of impact they didn’t think was possible and then release that kinetic force in others. With courage, optimism, and skill—and without apology.
Now, more than ever, you may feel you are in uncharted territory. You are battling so much more with so much less. More mandatories and ambiguities. Less time, resources, and stability. Yet you’re expected to be all things to all people and to light a path forward that may be hard for even you to see clearly.
Now imagine, instead, operating from a place of powerful alignment, where you radiate the fierce aliveness and clarity that comes from knowing what you stand for and what truly matters. Imagine empowering yourself and those around you to maximize their potential.
It comes down to getting you clear on what you’re really about. Figuring out what’s getting in your way and teaching you practical skills to overcome those blockers so you can finally be the leader you are meant to be. I can help you do this because I’ve been there. I get it. I am experienced and incisive, a truth seeker and a truth teller who is also empathetic and steadfastly in your corner. My customized, confidential approach is real—sometimes tough, yes, but always transformative.
As an outcome of our partnership, you’ll achieve:
Clarity — Discover who you are as a leader. Identify and claim what you stand for and learn how to translate that to everyday behaviors. Be the inspiration you want for the people you lead.
Capacity — Identify and finally tackle the self-limiting beliefs that weigh you down and hold you back. Regain the resilience and energy you need to go the distance.
Courage — Embrace vulnerability and face risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure with learnable, observable skills.
Connection— Seamlessly bring this learning into your life in authentic ways that inspire others to do the same. You now know who you are, and you have the tools to keep it going.
Your successful transformation is my passion, but as a former corporate executive responsible for the bottom line, I like anchoring our work in concrete measurement that delivers concrete return. That’s why I’m certified in several leading 360 and self-assessment frameworks that help pinpoint the most strategic starting point for our work together. We measure, we coach, we re-measure. As a result of our work together, leaders have shown improvement of up to 1,500% on key leadership impact levers (as measured by pre- vs. post-coaching surveys).
I know you can be the leader you want to be. You have it in you. And if you’re willing to step up, get in the arena, and roll up your sleeves, I am ready to partner with you.
Contact me for more information on 1:1 Executive and Leadership Development. See How I Work for more details.
Dare to Lead™ is an empirical, Courage-building program for leaders and corporations created by TED speaker and best-selling author Dr. Brené Brown.
Courage was identified by a large group of global C-level leaders as the #1 must-have skill for leadership in these increasingly complex and challenging times. The proven Dare to Lead™ program breaks Courage into four key skills that build capability, trust, bravery, and resilience. The workshop is practical, learnable, and often life-changing for participants, whether individual leaders or teams.
Rumbling with Vulnerability: The ability to stay grounded, curious, and open in tough moments and conversations so you can keep hold of the bigger picture and model brave leadership.
Living into our Values: Knowing what you stand for and intentionally living your life in alignment with your beliefs. In short, walking the talk.
BRAVING Trust: Seven research-backed behaviors that make up the acronym “BRAVING” and help you approach, assess, and build 1:1 and team-level trust in concrete ways.
Learning to Rise: Mastering resilience, the vitally important reset and recovery skills that help people pick themselves up, dust off, and keep moving forward with purpose.
I have partnered closely with Dr. Brown to facilitate thousands of leaders and teams through Dare to Lead.™ I would love to speak with you about how I can design and facilitate this vital program to best help you and your people learn the four skills through the most relevant scenarios and exercises.
For a deeper dive into Dare to Lead™ and how it works, Contact me or see Dare to Lead™ for more details.
Over a 25-year career, I’ve encountered several examples of the “magic binder” approach to team development: one-and-done workshops where participants learn new skills and share inspiring aha! moments, then go back to real life and old habits. Intentions fade, and even the most aspirational, tools-packed binder gathers dust on a bookshelf. Sound familiar?
As an executive, I, too, hoped those often costly investments would magically deliver real change and measurable return for my teams and me. But that never happened. Because in team performance, as in most other behavior-based arenas, durable, observable change requires a completely different approach: a strategic, measurement-driven plan. Coaching. Practice. Optimization. Accountability. And, yes, time.
As a Certified Team Performance coach, I’ve developed an approach that finally pulls those energizing aha! moments through to sticky change and concrete return. Teams who work with me learn how to co-create their mission and take accountability for their performance. They become confident and resilient. The improvement is measurable—typically, double-digit upticks in proven Productivity and Positivity Factors including Decision-making, Accountability, Trust, and Communication. And it is observable, making it easier to recruit, nurture, and retain the best people. In the words of a client, your team “becomes the one to beat (or join).” And because we build these muscles from the inside out, the improvement is not just dramatic, it is also sustainable.
In this recent before-after snapshot, my client team picked three Team Performance Factors—Trust, Optimism, and Communication—based on an initial self-assessment survey. My custom, four-month team coaching program built these skills into the team’s DNA. The team then re-surveyed itself. Not only did the three focus areas shoot up by an average of 43% (Trust went up by a whopping 52.08%) but all 14 Team Performance Factors showed solid double-digit improvement as a result of the program.
Participant feedback is the strongest testimonial to the value of your investment. In the words of the leader of this particular team, “She helped us diagnose key themes/opportunities in our culture, and helped us understand the dynamics of my team across different disciplines that were preventing us from reaching our full productivity and happiness potential.”
The team, similarly, attests to the value of our partnership:
“It feels much better to be on this team. I feel like I am heard. Some team members seem like totally different people. People are willing to ask questions and get clarification instead of jumping to conclusions.”
Each team is unique, but a typical team-coaching scenario will cover:
A Team Diagnostic Assessment™—an online survey of the team, by the team, on Productivity and Positivity, two proven axes of sustained team performance.
A daylong experiential workshop, where we debrief the results and create an action plan with targeted team development areas based on the baseline data.
Targeted team coaching sessions (every 6-8 weeks) with me to build skills in the focus areas and track, optimize, and advance your action plan.
A post-coaching assessment to measure your team’s progress and set a new baseline.
Contact me for more information on Team and Organizational Transformation. See How I Work for more details.
You are unique, and your combination of core values, life experience, strengths, and opportunities demand a unique approach. I can ignite your best creative thinking and help you plug back into your own power.
This one-on-one partnership is an invaluable investment if you:
Feel you’ve misplaced your mojo and lost sight of your highest purpose and true passion
Are stuck in your job or out of sync in your personal and professional relationships
Struggle with finding balance, saying “no” (or “yes”) or following through
Find that you are your biggest challenge and harshest critic
Through my proven Infinite Impact approach, you’ll learn repeatable skills that finally land the change you want. My personal/transition coaching clients invariably end the process wildly exhilarated by the journey and outcome alike, wondering only why they didn’t do this before.
Contact me for more information on Personal/Transition Coaching. See How I Work for more details.